Tenants’ Support Forum comes to Kreuzberg!
Having issues with your landlord? Questions about your rent? Want some support navigating the Berlin rental market? Come talk with tenants in a similar position!
At R2C’s Tenants’ Support Forum, we meet to discuss our experiences with Mietpreisbremse, eviction threats, subletting, Anmeldung, and really anything we face as tenants in Berlin.
Join us for a coffee and a chance to talk about your experience or get help answering your questions about renting in Berlin.
Everyone is welcome. We'd love to meet you!
This forum will mainly be in English, but we can help each other translate with the languages we all speak. Let us know if you have questions or a language request 🤗
🎥🎬 After the Forum, stick around for R2C KINO! We’ll screen a film at 17:30 as part of our Housing Fight Movie Night series. More info soon!