We demand
We demand that the Berlin Senate enact all measures necessary to transfer real estate to public ownership:
Public administration
Democratic participation
About Us
We are Berlin's tenants and we've had enough with the rent madness! That's why we are fighting back.

We have had enough of financing shareholder profits with our excessive rents.
Together with 59% of Berliners, we stand for a livable city for all. We stand against profit-oriented housing companies.
We are numerous activists. We have 14 neighborhood teams, 6 working groups and countless chat groups.

Together we want to decide how our city develops. So that Berlin remains our home!
Our Structures
Over years of working together, we have established a diverse structure of activists. Together we fight for an affordable and livable Berlin.
Join us and be part of making history in Berlin!

Together with thousands of active Berliners, we are fighting against the big profit-oriented housing corporations. We're building neighborhood initiatives, distributing flyers, writing brochures and laws and taking to the streets together.

Plenary Session
We are a grassroots democratic initiative. This means we make all decisions together at our bi-weekly plenary meeting.